
Your Business is Prohibited from Advertising Including App Sharing on Facebook: Key Guidelines

Anton Ingram

Facing advertising restrictions on Facebook can be a significant hurdle for any business. If your business is prohibited from advertising, including app sharing, on Facebook, several potential causes and solutions can help you address this issue effectively. It’s crucial to understand Facebook’s advertising policies and the common reasons for these restrictions to proceed accurately.


Often, businesses are restricted due to violations of Facebook’s advertising standards or other policy infractions. Identifying these reasons will help you navigate the appeal process effectively. A restricted account doesn’t mean the end of your advertising efforts; following the correct procedures can restore your account’s status.

To resolve these restrictions, you may need to confirm your identity or appeal the decision. Detailed steps, such as navigating to your personal profile and uploading the necessary identification, can help. Additionally, contacting Facebook Support for guidance can also be beneficial.

Key Takeaways

Understanding Facebook’s Advertising Policies


Facebook’s advertising policies are designed to maintain a safe, respectful, and trustworthy environment. They ensure that ads meet specific standards and restrict those that do not comply.

Key Policy Guidelines

Facebook’s advertising guidelines cover various content types and behaviors. Advertisements must adhere to rules about acceptable language, imagery, and targeted audiences. Certain categories, such as discriminatory practices, misleading content, and prohibited products, are strictly forbidden.

Ads related to sensitive topics, including politics and health, require additional scrutiny. Advertisers must also avoid using automated methods that would bypass Facebook’s compliance checks. For detailed guidelines, businesses can review Facebook’s Advertising Standards.

Common Reasons for Advertising Restrictions

Restrictions can be imposed for several reasons. Violations of content policies, such as inappropriate or harmful material, are common causes. Additionally, legal non-compliance, deceptive practices, and infringements of intellectual property rights can lead to ad bans.

Advertisers may also face penalties for consistently breaching guidelines or failing to rectify flagged content. For a full list of restrictions, visit the Meta Business Help Center.

Identifying Reasons Your Business Is Restricted


Understanding why your business is facing advertising restrictions on Facebook involves examining both policy violations and potential security issues like hacked accounts. It’s essential to pinpoint the specific reasons to address them effectively.

Policy Violation Insights

Facebook enforces strict Advertising Standards to maintain a safe and respectful online environment. Common reasons for restrictions include promoting prohibited products, posting misleading content, or using hateful language. Advertisers must ensure their ads and business assets comply with these standards to avoid restrictions.

Repeated violations can result in the restriction of the entire Meta Business Portfolio, including Pages and ad accounts. Reviewing the policies and addressing any issues with your ads or content is crucial in mitigating restrictions.

Hacked and Restricted Accounts

If your Facebook account has been hacked, it may be used to violate community standards, leading to a restricted account. Hackers might post spammy or harmful content, triggering Facebook’s automatic restriction systems. Regularly updating passwords and enabling two-factor authentication can reduce this risk.

If restrictions occur, it’s vital to act quickly. Businesses should contact Facebook Support to report the issue and regain control of their business assets. This approach helps restore advertising capabilities and secure the account against future breaches.

The Appeal Process and Decision Review

When a business faces advertising restrictions on Facebook, there are steps to challenge and possibly overturn the decision through an appeal process. This involves initiating an appeal and understanding Facebook’s review criteria.

How to Initiate an Appeal

To begin the appeal process, navigate to Facebook’s Monetization Manager. Select the appropriate option from the notifications at the top, such as “Go to placement”, “Go to Ad Space”, or “Go to bundle”. Then, click on the “Appeal” button.

If this is not the first appeal, the button will be labeled “Appeal again”. Provide the necessary information detailing why you believe the restriction should be lifted. Ensure that the appeal explains how the business complies with Facebook’s standards. After submission, an email will confirm receipt and indicate that a decision will follow, typically within 5 business days.

Understanding the Review Process

Facebook reviews the appeal by examining the content and context around the violation. The initial review relies heavily on automated systems that check for policy violations. If the automated review flags the ad or content, a manual review may follow where a Facebook support team member reassesses the decision.

This process includes checking images, videos, text, targeting information, and the ad’s destination, such as a landing page or website. If the appeal includes comprehensive details addressing the specific reasons for the restriction, it increases the chance of a positive outcome. Decisions can be permanent with no further recourse if the appeal is denied, underscoring the importance of a thorough initial appeal. For further information, check Facebook’s Ads Review Policy and guidelines.

Troubleshooting and Preventing Future Restrictions

Addressing and avoiding advertising restrictions on Facebook involves verifying business details and adhering to best practices for compliant advertising. This ensures smoother operations and minimizes the likelihood of facing future issues.

Verifying Business Information

Ensuring that your business information is accurate and up-to-date is crucial. Start by checking that all listed email addresses and contact numbers are correct. Also, confirm that your business name, address, and other pertinent information are stated consistently across platforms.

Regularly review and update your business details on Facebook. This verification process helps build trust with the platform and can reduce the chances of triggering advertising restrictions. Additionally, it might be beneficial to link your Facebook profile with your official business website to further establish authenticity.

Inaccurate or incomplete business information can appear suspicious and lead to temporary or permanent bans. It’s crucial to maintain transparency and consistency to align with Facebook’s advertising restrictions.

Compliant Advertising Best Practices

Following Facebook’s advertising standards is essential to avoid restrictions. Start by thoroughly reading and understanding the Meta Advertising Standards. This includes ensuring that all ads meet community standards and do not promote prohibited content.

Use clear, truthful, and non-deceptive ad copy. Avoid using sensational language or misinformation. High-quality images and videos are also important, as low-quality media can result in restrictions.

Regularly review all active ads to ensure they comply with current policies. Also, monitor feedback from ad reports and adjust accordingly. If an ad is flagged, address the issue promptly to avoid long-term restrictions. Employing these practices will greatly reduce the risk of violating Facebook’s policies for advertising.

Contacting Facebook Support and Resources

Businesses prohibited from advertising or app sharing on Facebook have several support channels to resolve issues. Additionally, Facebook provides educational resources to help advertisers understand and comply with policies.

Using Facebook’s Support Channels

When facing advertising restrictions, businesses can get help through Facebook’s support channels. A useful method is to chat with the Facebook support team for personalized assistance. This can include step-by-step instructions and troubleshooting tips.

On a computer, users can navigate to the Meta Business Support Home. Here they can select the restricted account and follow recommendations to resolve issues. It’s crucial to be an admin on the account to request a review.

For advertisers dealing with ad review issues, the Ad Review Policy can help clarify the standards and automated processes.

Educational Resources for Advertisers

Facebook offers many resources to educate advertisers about platform policies and best practices. The Meta Business Help Center provides detailed information on managing ads, compliance with community standards, and troubleshooting common problems.

Advertisers can also access free online courses to learn how to use Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger for business growth. These courses cover creative specifications, technical requirements, and other critical aspects of successful advertising strategies.

By leveraging these resources, advertisers can better navigate Facebook’s advertising landscape, ensuring compliance and maximizing their advertising potential.

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