
Common Questions

Here are a bunch of common questions we get asked that may help you.

Do We Offer a Free Trial?

No we do not offer free trials or demos, HOWEVER we do have a 7 day no-questions-asked refund policy.

So there is NO risk for you to test out our software.

You can view our plans on the pricing page.

How Many Campaigns, Domains, Servers Can I Have?

We have no limits on these.

The amount of campaigns, domains or servers you have it is UNLIMITED.

You are only charged for is the clicks you use.

Tell Me How These “Clicks” are Charged

Its very straightforward, a “Click” is an “allowed” visit.

Meaning clicks that are blocked you are NOT charged for.

This is unlike many other similar products as they often charge for every “load” of the code or “visit” regardless if they are blocked or not. This is a significant cost savings to you and your campaigns.

Do You Offer Any Guidance or Support?

YES! We have an extensive support system for the software.

You can contact us here.

This includes step by step guides as well as real-time assistance via in app chat and/or Telegram chat.

You can always reach us by email as well. We are here to assist in any way can.

How Does Your Software Work?

We are an algorithm based filtering platform. This model updates daily with changes as we detect new threats to your pages. T

hat said having been in business since 2011 our data set is VERY extensive, there isn’t much we haven’t seen or identified.

What Other Pricing Plans Do You Offer?

So here is the thing, while we are confident in our software working our special blend of magic for you. There is no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” when it comes to software.

So why take the risk of an expensive monthly or annual plan when your first start?

This is why we recommend you sign up for a week, give it a try and upgrade later to a monthly plan as needed.

Here are the monthly plans available:

Larger bulk buys(more than $3k USD are available at a significant discount) please contact us.

If you have more questions or are in immediate need of something larger from the get go, just contact us.

Here is the contact us page.

What Payment Methods Do You Accept?

We accept the big three Visa, Mastercard and Amex as well as Apple Pay.

We also accept Wechat payments, however please contact us first if you wish to use this payment method as we will need to send you a special payment link.

Please note that we do NOT accept direct crypto payments instead we suggest you use EPN.

Does the Plan Auto Renew?

Yes, all plans renew based upon the time frame of the plan (1 week or 1 month) from the date of payment.

Please note that you MUST have an active billing plan to use the clicks you have purchased. And when your account is cancelled you will loose any remaining click balance.

What are “Prohibited Activities”?

You are prohibited from using our website/service for any illegal activities, including but not limited to:

Bought Already But Unsure How to Get Started?

Use wordpress or cpanel > guide is HERE

SFTP, FTP or SSH > guide is HERE

Please follow our simple guide HERE

Reach out to us if further assistance is needed.

I Came Here Looking For N2 is That You?

Yes, N2 is our latest product.

If you are interested in purchasing N2 or are just looking for more info on n2 please visit

Noipfraud members get a free 1 week trial of N2 - so if you want to test both - make sure you signup for Noipfraud first.

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